Klevius: Atheists* out there! Be proud of being freed from the religious yoke that keeps resisting** universal Human Rights equality!
* Atheism got a bad name among ignorant religious people because they wrongly connected it with Marxism and its collective hatred against individual negative Human Rights (click it if you don't get it, dude). However, lack of a "god-religion", i.e. Atheism (dude, are you still awake, then click Klevius distinction between kin religion and "god-religion") is the prerequisite for basic universal individual Human Rights.
** Most religious people have, more or less, already understood the self-evident logic in Human Rights equality. However, there are many still who don't hesitate to use religion as an excuse for racism, sexism or pure greed. Islam ticks those boxes better than most. That's why islam's allure at its origin was the same as it's now. Remember Klevius islam formula: Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban.
Atheism also lacks disgusting rituals
Religious cock fighting in England: Jonathan Arkush (islam supporting leader of British Jews) knockouts Stephen Sizer (islam supporting Christian cleric) who gets snubbed and comforted by an islam supporting bishop
The winner? Islam - the most dangerous of the "gods" of the Book!English Israel hating Rev Stephen Sizer has been banned by Church from using social media or any campaigning on Middle East after sharing "clearly anti-Semitic" material.
The Church of England voiced “sorrow and shame” at his hatred of Jews.
He also infuriated Jewish community leaders by taking part in a conference in Iran which was dubbed an “anti-Semitic hate-fest”.
In 2013 Stephen Sizer reached a mediated deal with the Board of Deputies in which agreed to moderate the tone and nature of postings and links on his blog on the subject of Israel and Palestine.
The ruling by the new Bishop of Guildford, the Right Reverend Andrew Watson, imposes one of the most sweeping sets of restrictions ever placed on a serving Church of England cleric.
Stephen Sizer promoted conspiracy theories that Israel was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the internet and has been banned by the English Church from speaking, writing, tweeting or blogging on the Middle East.
Stephen Sizer has agreed a complete prohibition on using any social media for at least six months. It is believed to be the first ban of its kind issued by the church. But Stephen Sizer will be able to remain as priest in charge of his Christ Church parish in affluent Virginia Water, Surrey.
In his successful quest for the Board of Deputies of British Jews of England and Northern Ireland Presidency, candidate Jonathan Arkush revealed his vendetta against Church of England Vicar, Revd. Stephen Sizer. It can be seen in the first presidential candidates hustings sponsored by the Jewish Chronicle on May 12, 2015, chaired by Stephen Pollard, the JC’s editor: “We went after him, one man walking advertisement for hatred of Israel in a Church of England cassock, and we got him an ASBO from his Bishop."
Background info
Stephen Sizer is a Conservative Evangelical and has aligned with a number of related organisations. He is a member of Reform (Anglican) and the Church Society. He has endorsed the Jerusalem Declaration issued by the Global Anglican Future Conference and has joined the resulting Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans. He supports the Third Province Movement.Stephen Sizer has been criticized for masking his religious prejudice in "academic guise." Jewish Christians and Messianic Jews such as Aaron Abramson[25] and Jacob Prasch have also expressed their strong disagreement with Sizer's views. The Board of Deputies of British Jews formally complained to the Church of England in November 2012 over documented statements made by Sizer since early 2010 which the Board argues are antisemitic. After a complaint that he had linked to an American site called The Ugly Truth, which explicitly blames Jews for wars and claims they corrupt all public officials, Sizer's Diocesan Bishop, Christopher Hill, defended him.
However, the British solicitor advocate and academic, Anthony Julius (who became chair of The Jewish Chronicle in 2011 and who is known for opposing so called "anti-Semitism") acknowledges that Stephen Sizer “categorically reject(s) any position that threatens the territorial integrity of Israel as a sovereign nation” and describes his work as having “the merit of clearly setting out the issues that divide the two sides, and furthermore doing so without the rancour or sheer nastiness of tone typical of the polemics in the conflict." Moreover, following accusations of anti-Semitism levelled against Stephen Sizer in 2012 (seven months prior to the Board of Deputies' formal complaint) several prominent people wrote to the Bishop of Guildford in his defence. Amongst them was Rabbi Professor Dan Cohn-Sherbok, emeritus professor of Judaism at Aberystwyth University, wrote, “I have been disturbed to read about the allegations made against Stephen Sizer. These are, I believe, completely without foundation: there is simply no evidence that he is an antisemite. It would be a mistake… to construe Stephen Sizer's political criticisms as evidence of antipathy against Jews.”. The British Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn argued that those criticising Sizer were politically motivated and were "intent on discrediting the excellent work that Stephen does in highlighting the injustices of the Palestinian Israeli situation…..as part of a wider pattern of demonising those who dare to stand up and speak out against Zionism."
These Jewish, Christian and muslim VIPs have way too many tentacles in the British society. And by forcing more RE on UK kids these fanatic religious cock fighters get even more space and influence. Sad! Sizer is a member of the Executive of the Guildford Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship and a member of Guildford Diocesan Synod. He is a trustee and former chairman of the International Bible Society UK, publishers of the New International Version. He is a founding member of the Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism, a member of the Advisory Council of Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding, a Trustee of the Amos Trust and on the UK Board of Reference for the Mar Elias Educational Institutions in Ibillin, Galilee. He is also on the editorial board of Living Stones Magazine. Sizer regularly contributes articles for newspapers and journals including Evangelicals Now, Third Way, Plain Truth and Friends of Al Aqsa. He is a regular contributor to programmes on Premier Radio, and the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). He has also appeared on Syrian TV and Al Manar TV.
In September 2014, Sizer attended and spoke at the "Second New Horizon Conference" in Tehran where conspiracy theories such as "Zionist Fingerprints on the 9/11 Cover-up" and "9/11 and the Holocaust as pro-Zionist 'Public myths'" were under discussion. Sizer said he was present at the conference as an "ambassador for reconciliation". According to him, the conference was anti-zionist rather than anti-semitic, and he disagreed with many of the speeches which were delivered.
Dave Rich of the Community Security Trust, a charity which monitors anti-semitism in Britain, queried whether Sizer was still honouring the conciliation agreement he had made with the Jewish community. A spokesman for the British Board of Deputies said "such a hate-filled event is irreconcilable with his position as a minister in the Church of England".
On 29 November 2009, Joseph Weissman, a 23-year-old graduate student at Leeds University was visited by police officers at his home. Weissman had created a blog under the name "Seismic Shock" which had criticised Sizer's anti-Zionist views and alleged links to extremists. The police were acting on complaints of harassment made by Sizer and a lecturer at the Wales Evangelical School of Theology, Anthony McRoy. No legal action was taken against Weissman, but it was reported that he voluntarily removed the blog following the visit. News of the incident, referred to as "Sizergate" by some commentators, broke in January 2010 and rapidly spread throughout the blogging community. Sizer and McRoy were widely accused of censoring Weissman's views, but the Streisand effect raised awareness of the dispute between Sizer and Weissman to a far greater level than it previously had.
On 20 January 2015 Sizer posted a link on his Facebook page to a 9/11 conspiracy theory entitled "9/11 Israel did it". He asked in his posting: "Is this anti-Semitic? If so no doubt I’ll be asked to remove it. It raises so many questions." Sizer removed the post at the request of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, but in correspondence with Jewish News online, he asked that evidence be provided to refute the conspiracy theory. After he removed the posting, Sizer continued to insist that it was "encouraging debate."
On 29 January 2015, the Church of England said in a statement that the comments made by Sizer were unacceptable and that the Diocese of Guildford would launch an investigation. On 30 January 2015, Sizer issued a statement of apology and announced that the diocese had suspended him from all social media and blogs. The Board of Deputies also published a statement condemning Sizer's behaviour.
On 9 February 2015 it emerged that Sizer had been banned from social media by the new Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Rev Andrew Watson, for at least six months for the Facebook post alleging Israeli responsibility for the 9/11 atrocities. He is also banned from commenting on issues relating to the middle east and will not attend further conferences on this subject. In his letter to the bishop, Sizer accepted that he would have to resign his ministry if he were to break the undertaking he has made.
The Church Times reported that the bishop as saying that disciplinary action against Sizer had been considered, but an alternative approach was taken in order to resolve the matter quickly. The Board of Deputies praised the church for taking swift action and hoped that good relations could now be restored.
Harassment because of "one little link"
Stephen Sizer accused the Board of Deputies of “harassment” and said they had seized on “one little link” in order to “discredit” him.
Bishop Watson later said Stephen Sizer's "strong but increasingly undisciplined anti-Zionist agenda" had become a "liability" - but, "having now met Stephen, in my brand new role as Bishop of Guildford, I do not believe that his motives were antisemitic".
"But I have concluded that, at the very least, he has demonstrated appallingly poor judgment on the material he has chosen to disseminate, particularly via social media, some of which is clearly antisemitic."
So the good bishop forgave him his sins as long as he manages to keep his pen free from antisemitism, it is.
Bishop Watson: "It is my judgment that particularly in the context of the alarming rise of antisemitic crime within our country that it was important for me to be able to hold a press conference quite quickly."
Klevius: In religious affairs it's all about "good relations" and nothing about fundamental evil! This "alarming rise of antisemitic crime within our country" spells islam.
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